true freedom is feeling so deeply you see truths you can’t unsee that awakens the committment to never abandon yourself again
with Kwonyin
can’t figure out how to heal gnarly pain that’s been with you your whole fucking life?
you’ve come to the right place!
I want you to know that deep deep peace exists…inside the very place you’ve been running from
and if hearing this terrifies you, but also makes you curious to taste, no drink abundantly of this freedom (because let’s be real, you’re sick of feeling imprisoned by yourself) you’re aligning to the most powerful breakthroughs of your life
CATHARSIS is the rock solid foundation of self-love for you to truly thrive
i want you to receive the highest quality presence & compassionate space you’ve always deserved to bring the light of love and true understanding into your prison
Let aspects of yourself you’ve never felt safe to voice, voice themselves. And melt your prison bars from within, emancipating your innocence your integrity to thrive in the light of truth.
No matter how much you consciously want a happy abundant life, your subconscious patterns hinder that. Subconscious patterns are created from the things that happened in the formative years of your life. And they are like the deep ocean currents under us. So powerful. And influences the way we react, think, feel, and act.
I need powerful witnessing to show me my power in my dark spiral
“Her warrior spirit is most vivid in her willingness to allow space for the darkness within us to be given all it has ever truly needed.”
The chance to be fully allowed, compassionately witnessed, deeply heard, closely held and slowly integrated with gratitude for the message it bears.” - Liberty
“I never had this kind of breakthrough in my 11 years of traditional talk therapy.”
In one session, Kwonyin was able to help me unlock a key part of my personal past that has been thwarting me at every turn. Yes—in just one session! I never had this kind of breakthrough in my 11 years of traditional talk therapy. - Freja Kah
Guided emotional care is the balm to a lifetime of neglect, abandonment & self-worth issues
no matter how many self-help quotes we scroll through, in order for genuine healing and improvement to happen in our lives we must address the root origin of our present day pain
and create a new relationship towards that pain
a relationship that involves the genuinely desire to see, hear, feel, understand the very aspects of ourselves that were pushed away
which can be uncomfortable to acknowledge
which involves exploring and releasing the resistance towards feeling this pain
we work on mental and somatic levels to catalyze profound healing
guided emotional care is so powerful for breaking out of self-limiting patterns because we are social creatures by nature.
the suffering soul in its life-long practiced patterns can’t always ‘see’ itself.
a trusted and safe partnership to discover and fully see yourself in this container where you are held will draw out stories you didn’t even know lived inside of you
i will hold compassionate space for you to thaw your emotional body, guide you with questions and use my own energetic intuitive gifts to provide ‘emotional acupuncture’ to get to the precise source of things
so that a new vitality, and fresh flow of life force that comes with emotional presence can be immediately felt that’ll inspire you to keep at it
and through our process, like the pearl that’s created from the irritant, you’ll see that your pain is here for you to forge greater grit and beauty from it

Your shadow will no longer torment you once you understand they’re actually your greatest allies in disguise
In our 1-1 sessions, I’ll move in and out of different ways of inquiry to unearth you layer by layer. The work we’ll do together will change the way you encounter your shadow forever.
✻ Parts Work
We see the different parts of you that are at work behind your major life themes. What part of you is overdominant, what part of you has been overlooked? Our aim is to bring transparency to the dynamics and agendas at play.
✻ Inner Child Work
The real gem is here. Your inner child is your most vulnerable essential self. All the places where your inner child felt silenced, not seen, injured - we will caretake their needs to create a safe haven.
✻ Integration
This is the sweet fruit of our work together. Your integration means that a part of you that’s been asking you for attention, gets the love and understanding it needed. We aim for integration and a sense of completion to your most perplexing issues in every session.
✻ Shadow Self
Your conscious mind wants something but you feel a resistance towards it. Self-sabotage. Everything you desire that’s not happening or you’re not having yet is due to unconscious resistance. Resolving your resistance is the most important thing to deal with in getting what you want.
✻ Completion Process
A powerful visualization process created by Teal Swan of creating resolution with core wounds from childhood by providing awareness with your adult perspective
✻ Un-shaming shame
Thankfully there’s a way through visibility shame that’ll feel infinitely better than being locked up by your self-flagellator with a gun to your head. We’ll infuse the golden elixir of compassion into stuck places to transmute shame. You’ll get better at getting more comfortable sharing your truthgifts, rather than not sharing it.

catharsis liberation +
catharsis liberation +
Program Details
all timezones welcome
sessions on zoom
length of session varies with each deep dive
I offer single session or packages
Inquire about payment plans and options.

“CATHARSIS is radical therapy.”
It is an initiation into a type of femme-power-goddess-culture that you've always craved, always suspected was possible, but never had the words for. - Lauren
Kwonyin is engaging with powerful, deep, and ancient work; and this is palpable when you work with her. CATHARSIS helped me begin to witness and welcome the parts of me I'd long rejected and couldn't bear to look at. - Liberty
Kwonyin brought me face to face with my shame, which I'd been taught to hide and disown my entire life. Her sincere ever-evolving personal journey and research and excavation are all fodder for her expertise. Her bravery is infectious: she models how to be unafraid to look at every part of oneself, and she's similarly open-minded with how she crafts her offering. Her wisdom and practice is multi-informed - she synthesizes various schools of thought to create an all-encompassing experience. She combs diverse methods and ethoses for sacred truths and practical tools to offer her clients. - Client
Frequently Asked Questions
Emotional alchemy is the process of transforming difficult undesirable emotions into a source of power and illumination. Understanding the value of emotions by taking time to honor, relate and respond to them in a safe, supportive space is the foundation for allowing the sacred work of inner alchemical transformation to occur.
In daily life we experience the manifestation of unresolved trauma - via what we feel negatively triggered by. Triggers are an emotional flashback for unhealed wounds. these base emotions that we’ve been conditioned to repress, suppress - are valuable and highlighted. emotional alchemy is about allowing those emotions to emerge, be seen and heard so that that can be healed and integrated.
Shadow work helps you to expand your awareness and achieve your desires. at a fundamental level, you are here to experience your unique embodiment and the fulfillment of your desires. when you feel blockaded, this is an indication of a shadow part of you seeking to be resolved.
it is a collective spiritual-emotional movement that is emerging from the intimate space of our personal Source-connected dreamtime that is calling for a new relationship to our emotions, our bodies, how we connect to ourselves and each other to form a new blueprint of reality. what was ‘asleep’ - the unconscious patterns of control, competition, scarcity, and fear - is awakening a new strong impetus for holistic change.
the divine feminine has been dormant under centuries of oppressive socio-political systems that sought to suppress our natural way of being in harmony with the earth.
the feminine principle - our feeling intuitive receptive source from which all form arises - is re-emerging in parallel to the collapse of the structures that sought to devalue her existence.
check out the testimonials page here!
Our weekly sessions are about 90 mins. Based upon what arises in session, I may give intuitively guided homework to support your journey that’s meant to be fun and nourishing. How much time you spend on this is up to you!
yes! we’ll find a time that works for both of us no matter where you are on the planet :)
It will work for you when you decide come heaven or come hell I’m ready for change. Your openness and willingness to grow through discomfort is the magic ingredient for massive transformation to happen.
Are you willing to acknowledge that your suffering and well-being actually do matter, and are you willing to interrupt your old patterns with something entirely new? If yes, then yes absofuckinglutely it will work for you.
I was so blind from knowing what my emotions were trying to tell me. I was just living life normalized to turning away from how i feel which took me straight into Dark Night of the Soul