the root chakra revolution and revelation

what's been going through my head lately is that there's a collective dark night of the soul happening in our root chakras AND we're also potentially going through a root chakra revolution & revelation

the root chakra is the energy center at the base of your spine. when this energy center is healthy and open, your basic needs of food, shelter, and belonging are secure. emotionally, you feel grounded, with a sense of deep belonging, support, and trust in your tribe.

when the root chakra is shut down, your basic needs aren’t getting met. you may feel mistrustful, disconnected, unsafe, anxious, unsupported, and the sense of not belonging. life feels like a struggle to just to survive. your sense of home and community is precarious.

whether your basic needs on the physical level are met or not, i don’t know a single person who hasn’t struggled emotionally with their root chakras.

just taking care of the root chakra on the physical level, is not enough to keep this chakra healthy and open. especially as the child of immigrant parents from korea, i’ve seen my parents who in their past struggled with getting basic needs met in post-war korea, de-prioritize emotional needs, thinking that having material needs met was the most important thing. it wasn’t really in their radar as even a valid need to take care of their emotional health.

my mom was constantly working, and i felt also pressured to strive in my academic work to survive.

i grew up much more materially privileged than my parents did without ever having to worry about food shortage but i still had plenty of anxiety, fears of not belonging, and a deep lack mentality.

i know it may sound trite with all the new age spiritual self help jargon but f'real we need to really get deeply back into touch with remembering where our true safety and security comes from, to reconnect with that primordial nourishment that can only be filled when you can trust enough to unclench your striving and be embodddddddied

BUTT first we really gotta relax to receive. the blessings!


here are some commonish ways you may be blocking RECEIVING 


  • now allowing yourself to feel mad fully

  • keeping busy to not feel what's amiss

  • downplaying your hurt

  • not accepting something is important to you

  • moving on in spite of the unmet need

  • caring more about being right than understanding the opposite perspective as intimately as your own

  • trying hard but it's not working because you think you're not trying hard enough

  • stagnating rather than face the possibility of failure

  • believing rest only comes from deserving it

  • you don't feel safe relaxing when other people are doing stuff

  • your inner sacred brat is mega stifled playing "but i'm a nice person"

  • ignore emotional needs

  • delay emotional repair

  • preventing rejected feelings from coming to the surface

  • downplaying or straight up blindness to your own excellence


aaaand here's what i'm defining as a POWERFUL RECEIVER:


  • knows relaxation is important work

  • gets off being in the void

  • inhabits the backbody, lowerbody, as gateway to deep nourishment

  • relishes in unstructured non-linear time

  • knows that even when you're not working, you're always working.. for the goddess

  • savours the inward descent 

  • loves to die again and again

  • is a channel and scribe for the mystery 

  • is totally in awe of what comes thru 

may our collective root chakras feel safe, secure, and nourished!

PS wanna get my scoop on how to be a powerful receiver?

get these 3 guided journeys here!

journey #1 getting your vessel primed for receiving

journey #2 let the void penetrate you



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