i personally find the liminal imagining state in the night before falling asleep and the morning just as i’m waking up to be a good time for doing creative healing work with the subconscious.
interestingly i find night time to be an optimal window for doing expansive visioning work with my future wiser self, and the morning time a good time for doing shadow unblocking work, where my present self visits a disempowered past self.
the morning is when i feel closest to my unconscious dream realm, and therefore i have fresh shadow material to work with upon waking up. and night time i tend to feel more optimistic than in the mornings!
realistically these windows of open receptivity to the subconscious are also pretty unpredictable, and the best you can do is be prepared and available for the flow of inspiration when it comes.
so ive been visiting my younger self who was stuck in a hole of depression and uncertainty about the direction of her life. she’s the terribly insecure, meek, blocked, numb-to-life, so shy about taking up space and so apologetic for her existence self who was so lost. she had no idea what she wanted to do with her life, taking on random jobs with toxic energy for meager pay, living in shared flats with people she did not vibe with, didnt have clothes that reflected her true self, and didn’t feel worthy enough to advocate for her own needs and therefore was getting walked all over, too disempowered to do anything about it.
this younger self has been calling to be seen and acknowledged in the place that she’s in. she’s been calling through random images i get in my mind of her sitting alone in her room, in quiet panic. i recognize the feeling presently in my body, resonating with a similar much less intense version of uncertainty in my life.
i visit her the imagination space. soothing her in that space is soothing both of us.
my current consciousness steps into her reality and gives her a major life makeover, sassing her up BIG TIME. she has instantaneous access to all the awareness and experiences gained from the past years. i help shift her entire perspective and trajectory with what's possible and in store for her from Me, Her Future Self.
i help her find clothing that excites her. i support her quitting her job, moving out into her own place that can be a sanctuary of peace. i support her speaking up, removing cords of obligation, obliterating guilt. i encourage her to experiment more and play more. i help her connect to her inner sacred brat. i show her how it’s possible for her to start her own business. and make her own money on her own terms. being in her power. i tell her it’s ok to indulge in domestic comforts. i tell her “you’re a Cancer!! you absolutely deserve to feel comfortable and safe in a beautiful home space.” I see her telling off a bunch of people draining her energy f*ck off with a self-knowing confident smile with no guilt not turning back full permission to indulge in weird new music-making creating her own paradise with kindred souls who speak the same language.
i let her know it’s safe to trust her red flags and it’s safe to trust her delight. it gave my present self delight and pleasure to give her what she didn’t know yet how to receive and give to herself.
in a similar fashion, i could also call upon my future self to show me where i’m being stingy with my joy and mistrustful of life now.
it’s amazing that you have the power to direct your consciousness to places of disempowerment and use that intention to heal yourself, to intentionally creatively rewrite your story that generates the most oomph in catharsis to delight and pleasure yourself giving yourself what you did not know to give.
what kinda makeover/upgrades would you wanna give to a past or current version of yourself: the one who didn’t have the language, the tools, the compassionate witnessing, the know-how to even know how badly you needed beauty, understanding, hope, change, empowerment?
what kinda advice and resources would your wiser more knowing self want to give to that version of yourself living in deprivation?